
Thank you for taking time to consult with us about your spill and odor problem. You can take the following action to solve your problem quickly and effectively.

Firstly, I would recommend using Smelleze® Universal Spill & Odor Absorbent Granules to absorb and clean-up any hazardous or non-hazardous oil, chemical, or water based spills that you may encounter. Just sprinkle on the spill to absorb and encapsulate it for disposal. This inert product provides maximum performance in an economical and safe manner.

Secondly you may use Smelleze® Reusable Chemical Smell Deodorizer Pouches to eliminate airborne odors associated with the spill. For a breath of fresh air, simply place Smelleze® pouches in all rooms or spaces with the bad odor. If you have a HVAC system in the problem area, you may also place the Smelleze® pouches on your return air vents, and/or in air handling system to filter the odors out faster. Overall, use one pouch for every 150-300 square feet of area treated and smell the difference. You can use additional pouches for areas with severe odors.

Please click on the bold product name/s above to visit our website for more information and to order products to solve your odor problem. If clicking on the links doesn’t work, press Ctrl+Click to follow the link.

Smelleze® is an eco-smart odor remover that is safe for people, pets, and the planet. It’s engineered to eliminate the targeted odor at its source naturally without masking with harmful fragrances or using toxic chemicals.

If you have any other questions or need further information after visiting our website at www.NoOdor.com, please feel free to contact us again. We are here to help you solve your odor problems.


The NoOdor.com Odor Solutions Team